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5 Tips To Succeed As An Entrepreneur


The next five things are a collection of feedback from multiple entrepreneurs.

They are worth taking seriously and really thinking about how they could be incorporated into your own entrepreneurial career. In entrepreneurship, the starting point is to do your own work as well as possible.

Doing it from day to day requires good conditions.

1. Study constantly and try a lot

Unfortunately, most  entrepreneurs do not study and research entrepreneurship and issues related to running a company in any way.

Even other companies are not used as benchmarks or idea banks. An entrepreneur needs new knowledge and theory to move the business forward.

Good books are the cheapest way to gather excellent information about entrepreneurship and related issues. Read book recommendations 

For many, it would be a great idea to set aside a couple of hours every Sunday to study a relevant topic related to your own business and look for 1-2 ideas to try for the future.

2. Gain momentum for entrepreneurship

It would be important for sole proprietors in particular to find a mentor or a group of other entrepreneurs at the outset with whom they can openly conduct their own business.

This is not a bad idea for those working in pairs or larger teams either. You can always bring fresh ideas to your own activities from the outside.

Mentors are always a good solution and an effective way to bring extra momentum to your own and your company's development. More experienced entrepreneurs can tell from their own experience what to avoid and how to act.

The purpose of a mentor is not to give you the right answers, but to give momentum and support to your growth.

Another excellent option is to go through the mastermind business. The concept, which is very popular in the world, brings a group of leverage to its own operations. In practice, this works by bringing together a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs, 4-6 people.

You get together every couple of weeks or even every month (can also be done over the phone) and run through a single-member company. The entrepreneur tells about the activity and others give feedback.

In addition, the gang can be used as a lever to achieve their own goals by publicly communicating them to others and asking them to kick the persuasions about achieving them.

3. Always go where your customers are

Your business is running because you have customers. Someone will pay you for your products and services. It’s important to maintain relationships with customers and be really close to them.

This requires the entrepreneur to have the courage and put himself in the league. It is your job to go to the customers, not their job to come to you.

Customers have the power, they can decide who to go to in spite of everything. That’s why it’s important to be really close to customers in as many places as possible.

This is, of course, difficult when it comes to an industrial company, a hairdresser, or a company that sells services to other companies. But today, there are so many ways to reach people in ways other than “search-and-shoot” advertising.

There are social media platforms for every outlet and you can reach millions of different people. It is likely that someone in the crowd is interested in your services as well. The same goes for the internet in general. Which problem do you solve and where do people look for a solution?

It is important to be aware of this and go where the solution is being sought. It can mean forums or search engine results.

The same idea works in the real world. If you run a coffee shop, then go hand out discount coupons or something amusing to nearby businesses that they can distribute again to their own customers. Maybe you can distribute them to nearby residents and gather a regular customer base that way.

In some companies, the same thing happens through events, fairs, or other occasions.

4. Plan your work first and then complete it

It is less stressful and stressful to work even for a long day if you know exactly what you are doing. This is helped by good planning in advance. The best option would be to plan the workday the day before or at least on a project-by-project basis. The very last moment for this is right the first morning when you arrive at work.

If, on the other hand, you first attack an email or start eliminating other urgent things, stress levels will easily rise to the pin and the day will be wasted quickly.

You’ll probably run into less important things throughout the day and occasionally fan your mind on Facebook or chat msg. Not very effective or sensible.

There are countless programs for project management and to-do lists, but a suitable piece of paper is also great for that. It makes more sense to set aside a few really important tasks for each day that will take your business forward or bring you cash on hand.

The best example of this is the sales work that everyone loves. If you don’t sow your day to the fullest, then you can reconcile those running things as well. The important thing is not to let them define you all day.

Plan you're working so you know what you’re going to accomplish and you can do things with less stress.

5. Invest in your own well-being

We already talked about this when dealing with the myths of entrepreneurship. Investing in one's own well-being is extremely important to a company's success. Healthy and in good spirits, it is much easier to take care of everyday things and also to develop activities even further.

For best results, create good working conditions for yourself, such as

  • suitable breaks,
  • good work ergonomics and
  • in a hurry to do.

These should be combined with good nutrition, an appropriate amount of exercise (after or even during the workday), and a good night's sleep. After a day, a better way to relax is with a walk or a run instead of a drink.

You can ventilate your brain with a good book, chatting with friends, or watching TV for a while. The worst option is to move from your desk to your home couch, sip more beers, order pizza, and stare at the TV until late at night.

Some Greatest Entrepreneurs

  • Henry Ford. Henry Ford was a natural-born citizen who grew up in Michigan. Born into a family that originated from England and Ireland, he was well off, though not wealthy. Ford was a hard-working man and eventually completed an apprenticeship with the Detroit Dry Dock Company. In 1891, he met with Thomas Edison and told him about his concept of the automobile. Edison liked the idea and let Ford use his warehouse to develop and manufacture two prototypes.
  • Charles Merrill.
  • Sam Walton. Sam Walton picked a market no one wanted and then instituted a distribution system no one had tried in retail.
  • Charles Schwab.
  • Walt Disney. A gifted animator for an advertising company, Disney began creating his own animated shorts in a studio garage. Disney created a character inspired by the mice that roamed his office, Mickey Mouse, and made him the hero of "Steamboat Willie" in 1928.
  • Bill Gates. Bill Gates, one of the most well-known American technology entrepreneurs, is the second-richest person in the world 
  • Steve Jobs. co-founded Apple (AAPL), one of the only tech companies to offer a significant challenge to Microsoft's dominance.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller was the richest man in history by most measures. He made his fortune by squeezing out efficiencies through horizontal and vertical integrations that made Standard Oil synonymous with monopoly–but also dropped the price of fuel drastically for the everyday consumer.

These Entrepreneurs succeeded by giving the customer something better, faster, and cheaper than their nearest competitors.

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