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Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications for banks


The opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to the financial sector is constantly growing. 

The technology already brings great benefits to business processes that require the processing and management of large amounts of data based on them.

One example is the credit risk warning system developed by ING together with Google and PwC based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. The early warning system collects and analyzes large amounts of data to determine whether the companies to which the bank grants loans are exposed to potential risks. Using machine-learning technology, the system checks financial and non-financial information related to borrowers, such as news, from around the world. It has access to the local news that could go unnoticed by a person due to, among other things, language issues. The system can process up to 80,000 articles daily. It makes use of Google's natural language processing & translation service for articles published in the local media.

There are many benefits to speed

Speed ​​is an essential factor in credit risk management. The earlier the risk is detected, the faster and better the losses can be prevented. The bank’s credit risk expert saves a huge amount of time when he can focus on evaluating pre-extracted and translated relevant information. The system learns from experience and evaluates news and market developments more proactively all the time, so it is possible to further develop the predictive features of the tool.

The same platform can be used to analyze a company’s credit risk profile or to support data analysis in Know Your Client processes. In these areas, too, the replacement of artificial intelligence with manual processes brings undeniable advantages. For example, the exclusion of money laundering suspicions from transactions are accelerated tremendously when, of the hundreds of thousands of transactions, it is possible to quickly identify those where there may be a potential risk and focus analytical work on them.

Testing on the move

The application and benefits of artificial intelligence in your own company can best be assessed by experimenting boldly. The finished artificial intelligence solution is suitable for a few as it is, so the best approach can be found by testing. You should start with smaller, well-defined areas.

The criteria for evaluating the success of artificial intelligence projects can be, for example, their suitability for the company's business models and processes, in-house development capabilities, and reproducibility. Also essential is how the project supports the company's strategy and how it fits into the house's own infrastructure as well as existing technology. The success of projects is helped by the inclusion in the experiment of both old and new experts from within the company who can work with artificial intelligence. This helps to increase the competence of the business as widely as possible.

The experiments will increase the company’s view of how artificial intelligence can serve it. However, the benefits do not remain there. Experiments bring with them new ideas and the courage to do things differently. Increased courage and understanding of the potential of artificial intelligence, on the other hand, fosters innovation in areas that would not otherwise be thought of - and for which competitors have not yet had time!


Here are some critical parts in Artificial knowledge and Machine Learning in banking and money recorded beneath: 

Moderate Risk Management. ... 

Forestalling Fraudulent Activities. ... 

The Functionality of Chatbots. ... 

Algorithm-based Marketing. 

How AI can be utilized in finance? 

In the money business, AI can be utilized to analyze money accounts, credit records, and venture records to take a gander at an individual's general monetary wellbeing, staying aware of ongoing changes, and afterward making modified guidance dependent on new approaching information. 

How is computerized reasoning utilized in banking? 

Computerized reasoning is the eventual fate of banking as it brings the force of cutting-edge information investigation to battle false exchanges and improve consistency. ... Computer-based intelligence additionally empowers banks to oversee colossal volumes of information at record speed to get significant experiences from it. 

How banks are winning with AI and automated machine learning? 

Today, banks understand that information science can altogether accelerate these choices with precise and focused on prescient investigation. By utilizing the force of robotized AI, banks can possibly settle on information-driven choices for items, administrations, and activities.

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